est. 2001

because we believe in prehab not rehab

As a diversified chiropractor, Dr. Menard has at his disposal both traditional manual manipulation and soft-touch adjustments, as well as spinal decompression, and physical therapy modalities like electrical stimulation and ultrasound. For massage, he uses both trigger-point and instrument-assisted soft tissue therapies. He also utilizes various approaches to retraining skeletal postural muscles including at-home exercise. Preferring pre-hab to re-hab, his treatment is both proactive and holistic.

Intervertebral disc herniation causes impingement of nerves, which can cause pain all the way through the legs and into the feet. Spinal decompression uses a mechanized process that slowly separates the reclining patient's ribs away from the hips or neck, depending on the location of the compression and, in small and progressive increments, pulls the vertebrae apart, allowing a vacuum to form inside the disc. That vacuum allows the disc to rehydrate, thereby re-plumping the cushion between vertebrae, and relieving the pressure on the nerve.

Our bodies are run by a complicated electrical circuit of nerves, and modern science has allowed us to understand the ancient science of acupuncture in fascinating new ways. By way of acupuncture, we are able to interact with the nervous system to address pain, chronic tension and even the systems that control fertility, allergies, addiction, insomnia and many other common maladies.
LightForce® FXi Deep Tissue Therapy Laser
We are excited to announce the addition of the LightForce® FXi Deep Tissue Therapy Laser to our toolbox for treating patients with both chronic pain and new injuries. Treatments are fast, safe and highly effective, with some patients seeing a reduction in pain after as little as one treatment, nearly all patients seeing a notable reduction in their pain within 3 to 5 treatment sessions, and relief lasting longer with each subsequent treatment.
Laser therapy is clinically proven to reduce pain and inflammation associated with common musculoskeletal conditions such as
sciatica, lower back pain, bursitis, tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis as well as preventing the inflammation that would normally accompany new injuries, allowing for faster and less painful recovery.
Laser therapy is endorsed by professional clinical organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), and the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP®) with over 3,000 research studies having been conducted in the field.
Natalie Elliott, Teacher